One-week exercise training induces white matter microstructural and blood flow changes: a multi-modal MRI study - data
To investigate the short-term effects of aerobic exercise on white matter microstructure and cerebrovascular function, 15 healthy males underwent a one-week exercise intervention, with baseline MRI scanning and a follow-up scan one week later, with blood sampling for BDNF.
This database contains:
(1) the analysis code used to create the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) maps (BASH and PYTHON code).
(2) the shape models (.mat MATLAB files) for the tract reconstructions used.
(3) Baseline and follow-up whole brain CBF maps for each participant (skull-stripped) n =30
(4) Baseline and follow-up whole brain CVR maps for each participant (skull-stripped) n =20
(5) The processed diffusion-weighted MRI data at baseline and follow-up) n =30
Research results based upon these data are published at