Data for thermal performance analysis of a heat pump-based energy system to meet heating and cooling demand of residential buildings
The detailed dynamic modelling of a building energy system based on a reversible heat pump integrated with thermal stores was conducted in TRNSYS. The system is able to meet space heating and space cooling demand along with domestic hot water production. The multi-zone modelling approach was employed to simulate the building. Internal heat gains due to appliances, lighting, and occupancy schedules were incorporated in the model to accurately represent the zonal temperature level control in the thermal envelope. Verification of the modelling approach was performed by comparing the TRNSYS simulation results with experimental data available in the literature and other software packages employed for building simulation (IES VE and Modelica). The performance of the energy system utilising the reversible heat pump was compared to when a gas boiler is used, demonstrating the capabilities of low-carbon technologies to meet thermal demand during different seasons of the year.
The data are stored in MS Excel files. These comprise of the utilised weather conditions (represented by the outdoor dry bulb temperature (°C) as a function of time (h) with hourly resolution) for year 2022. Verification data are also provided, each in different Excel sheet, as air temperature (°C) in different zones (Hall, Living, Kitchen, Dinning, Single bedroom, Front double bedroom, Rear double bedroom, Bath, Landing, and Loft) against time (h). Moreover, hourly volume averaged air temperature (°C) in the building is also provided in a separate Excel file.
The performance data of the two modelled energy system configurations (heat pump and boiler based) for year 2022 are made available. The hourly data for twelve months are provided in different Excel sheets named using a short form for each month as ‘Jan’, ‘Feb’ and so on. The data file for the boiler configuration is comprised of columns showing air temperature (°C) in different zones (Living, Bedroom 3, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Kitchen), outlet water temperature from the boiler (°C), mass flow rate of the boiler (kg/h), heat transferred to water by the boiler (kJ/h), energy consumed by the boiler (kJ/h), energy input by the auxiliary heater to the domestic hot water tank (kJ/h), and energy input by the auxiliary heater to the space heating tank (kJ/h), at hourly intervals. The data file for the heat pump configuration is comprised of columns showing air temperature (°C) in the different zones (Living, Bedroom 3, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Kitchen), power consumed by the heat pump in heating mode (kJ/h), heating load met by the heat pump (kJ/h), power consumed by the heat pump in cooling mode (kJ/h), cooling load met by the heat pump (kJ/h), energy input by the auxiliary heater to the domestic hot water tank (kJ/h), and energy input by the auxiliary heater to the space heating tank (kJ/h), at hourly intervals.
To use the data, kindly read the user manual provided along with the data files.
The compressed file (*.ZIP) of the data needs to be unzipped to obtain a folder with the aforementioned MS Excel files.
Please cite the following dataset when using this data:
A. Saleem, C. E. Ugalde-Loo, ‘Data for thermal performance analysis of a heat pump-based energy system to meet heating and cooling demand of residential buildings’, doi: 10.17035/cardiff.28152629
Research results are published at
Flexibility from Cooling and Storage (Flex-Cool-Store), grant EP/V042505/1.
Data file formats
Excel SpreadsheetSpecialist software required to view data files
MS ExcelLanguage(s) in dataset
- English-Great Britain (EN-GB)