Cardiff University

Validation of the dynamic load characteristics on a Tidal Stream Turbine when subjected to wave and current interaction - Data

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:55 authored by Catherine LloydCatherine Lloyd, Matthew AllmarkMatthew Allmark, S Ordonez-Sanchez, R Martinez, C Johnstone, G Germain, B Gaurier, Allan Mason-JonesAllan Mason-Jones, T O’Doherty

Datasets describe the results of an experimental test campaign conducted at the wave-current flume at IFREMER, Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France. A 1:20th scale horizontal axis tidal turbine was tested over a range of flow and operating conditions. The turbine was 3-bladed and had a diameter of 0.9m. Numerical results are also included using the same flow conditions and turbine operational settings. CFD models were developed using ANSYS CFX.

Five types of flow condition were tested:

  • Uniform (U) current-only: target of 1m/s uniform flow, no waves, turbine operating over a range of TSRs
  • Profile1 (P1) current-only: target of 1m/s flow, high shearing velocity profile over the water depth, no waves, turbine operating over a range of TSRs
  • Profile 2 (P2) current-only: target of 1m/s flow, low shearing velocity profile over the water depth, no waves, turbine operating over a range of TSRs
  • Profile 1 Wave 1 (P1W1) wave-current: target of 1m/s flow, high shearing velocity profile over the water depth, Stokes 2nd Order Theory waves (Wave1: wave height = 0.09m, wave period = 2.566s, wavelength = 9.07m), turbine operating over a range of TSRs
  • Profile 2 Wave 2 (P2W2) wave-current: target of 1m/s flow, low shearing velocity profile over the water depth, Stokes 2nd Order Theory waves (Wave2: wave height = 0.11m, wave period = 1.917s, wavelength = 5.61m), turbine operating over a range of TSRs

Experimental - U current-only flow:

  • Experimental data detailing Analog and Motor data from the turbine measurement systems.
  • Analog Data = Thrust (N), Blade 2 out of plane bending moment (Nm), Time (s), Torque (Nm)
  • Motor Data = Time (s), Turbine Angular Velocity (RPM), Encoder position (degrees)
  • Fields 1-10 refer to the turbine operating at a specific Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) as shown in the table below.


  • Experimental flow velocity data measured using 2D Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA).
  • LDA1 = vertical velocity (v) y-direction, LDA2 = streamwise velocity (w) z-direction (m/s)
  • Runs 1-10 refer to the LDA being placed at a specific water depth (m) given as a distance from the water surface.

Experimental - P1 current-only flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters as the U current-only flow case.
  • Fields 1-7 refer to the turbine operating at a specific Tip Speed Ratio (TSR.

  • The same description of the measured parameters as the U current-only flow case.
  • Runs 1-7 refer to the LDA being placed at a specific water depth (m) given as a distance from the water surface.

Experimental – P2 current-only flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSR’s tested as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and LDA positions as the P1 current-only flow case.

Experimental - P1W1 wave-current flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSRs as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and LDA positions as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • Experimental water surface elevation (m) data measured using a wave probe.
  • Runs 1-7 refer to the wave probe measuring 7 repeat tests while the turbine is operating at different TSRs.

Experimental – P2W2 wave-current flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSRs as the P2 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and LDA positions as the P2 current-only flow case.
  • Experimental water surface elevation (m) data measured using a wave probe.
  • Runs 1-7 refer to the wave probe measuring 7 repeat tests while the turbine is operating at different TSRs.

CFD - U current-only flow:

  • Numerical CFD data detailing the thrust (N) and torque (Nm) on each of the turbine blades and hub for TSRs 0-7, and out of plane bending moment (BMx) (Nm) on a single blade at TSR 4 where:
    • Force 1, 2, 3 & Hub = Thrust on Blade 1, 2, 3 & Hub
    • Torque 1, 2, 3 & Hub = Torque on Blade 1, 2, 3 & Hub
    • TorqueX1up = BMx on a single blade
  • Numerical CFD flow velocity data measured 1.5m upstream of the turbine location using monitor points placed in the flow.
  • Vertical velocity (v) y-direction, Streamwise velocity (w) z-direction (m/s)

CFD – P1 current-only flow:

  • Numerical CFD data detailing the thrust (N) and torque (Nm) on each of the turbine blades and hub, and out of plane bending moment (BMx) (Nm) on a single blade at TSR 4 where:
    • Force 1, 2, 3 & Hub = Thrust on Blade 1, 2, 3 & Hub
    • Torque 1, 2, 3 & Hub = Torque on Blade 1, 2, 3 & Hub
    • TorqueX1up = BMx on a single blade
  • Numerical CFD flow velocity data measured 1.5m upstream of the turbine location using monitor points placed in the flow.
  • Vertical velocity (v) y-direction, Streamwise velocity (w) z-direction (m/s)
  • Monitor points numbered C21 – C219 which means: C – central in the width across the flume (x diection), 2 – 2m downstream of inlet boundary (1.5m upstream from turbine location) (z-direction), 1 – 19 number vertical points though the water depth (y-direction) with 1 corresponding to -1.9m from the water surface and 19 corresponding to -0.1m from the water surface (at increments of 0.1m).

CFD – P2 current-only flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSRs as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and monitor point positions as the P1 current-only flow case.

CFD - P1W1 wave-current flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSRs as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and monitor point positions as the P1 current-only flow case.
  • Numerical water surface elevation (m) data over the full domain length measured at individual time steps over the time range 55 – 60 seconds. Files are numbered with the timestep iteration number.
  • Each file gives the coordinates of the water surface over the length of the domain. The turbine is located at z = 3.88m so these coordinates can be used to find the y-coordinate for each time step and therefore the wave surface elevation over time.

CFD – P2W2 wave-current flow:

  • The same description of the measured parameters and TSRs as the P2 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters and monitor point positions as the P2 current-only flow case.
  • The same description of the measured parameters as the P1W1 wave-current flow case.

Research results basedupn these data are pubished at


Dynamic Loadings on Turbines in a Tidal Array (DyLoTTA)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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Excel and Matlab

Language(s) in dataset

  • English-Great Britain (EN-GB)

Data-collection start date


Data-collection end date


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