Cardiff University

Two Photon Lithography for 3D Magnetic Nanostructure Fabrication

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:19 authored by Gwilym Williams, Matthew HuntMatthew Hunt, B Boehm, Andrew MayAndrew May, M Taverne, D Ho, Sean GiblinSean Giblin, Daniel ReadDaniel Read, J Rarity, R Allenspach, Sam LadakSam Ladak

Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometry data: A 150 mW, 650 nm laser was attenuated to a power of approximately 50 mW, expanded to a diameter of 1 cm, and passed through a Glan-Taylor polarizer to obtain an s-polarized beam. The beam was then focused onto the sample using an achromatic doublet (f = 30 cm), to obtain a spot size of approximately 50 μm2. The reflected beam was collected using an achromatic doublet (f = 10 cm) and passed through a second Glan-Taylor polarizer, from which the transmitted and reflected beams were directed onto two amplified Si photodetectors, yielding the Kerr and reference signals, respectively. A variable neutral density filter was used to ensure that the reference and Kerr signals were of similar values. Subtraction of the reference from the Kerr signal compensates for any change in the laser intensity drift and also eliminates any small transverse Kerr effect from the signal.

Here, we provide MOKE data for both angled single wires and tetrapod samples:

single_wires_parallel_long.txt :  Single wires with field applied along projection of long axis onto substrate.

single_wires_perp_long.txt :  Single wires with field applied perpendicular to projection of long axis onto substrate.

tetrapod_Parallel_lower_wires.txt : Tetrapod structures with field applied along projection of lower wires onto substrate. 

tetrapod_Parallel_upper_wires.txt : Tetrapod structures with field applied along projection of upper wires onto substrate. 

In the above file  the data is tab delimited. The first column is the magnetic flux density in Tesla  measured at the sample position. The second column is the normalised MOKE signal. 

Two-photon lithography feature size data: Vertical magnetic nanowires which were fabricated using two-photon lithography (TPL) and electrodeposition were measured using scanning electron microscopy. The laser power used in TPL was varied yielding channels of different diameter. This yielded data where feature size can be plotted against laser power.

Feature Size Data.txt : First column is laser power (%) and second column is feature size (microns)

Research results based upon these data are published at


3D artificial spin ice (2012-11-01 - 2013-10-31); Ladak, Sam. Funder: Royal Society:RG120304

Three-Dimensional Artificial Spin-Ice

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Find out more...

Two-photon lithography for magnetic racetrack memory (2016-09-01 - 2017-03-31); Ladak, Sam. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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