Cardiff University

The utility of multiple synthesised views in the recognition of unfamiliar faces

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:15 authored by SP Jones, Dominic DwyerDominic Dwyer, Michael LewisMichael Lewis

The current data (SJDDMB_Experiment1_2. xlsx) from two experiments are reported in two tabs. In both tabs data are averaged across trials and participants are organized by rows. For Experiment 1, the first two columns (A & B) represent participant demographics (Age & Gender). The following four columns represent a mean accuracy (i.e., proportion correct) score for each of the four experimental conditions reported in the paper. Scoring a correct answer as 1 and an incorrect answer as 0 and then averaging scores across trials gave a mean accuracy. The experimental conditions comprised computer-generated views created from a single original image (Synthesised Views), the target image alone (Original image), a single test image that displayed a face at the test angle (Test image) and multiple photograph views (Photographic Views). The second measure reported is a confidence-accuracy (CA) score. The CA score was calculated by multiplying accuracy (negatively scored for incorrect answers so 1 = correct and −1 = incorrect) by the confidence score (1: “Not at all confident”, 7:“Extremely confident”, minus 0.5) giving a score between −6.5 and +6.5 in 13 equal steps. Data are again averaged across trials and reported for each experimental condition. The data are organized in a similar fashion for Experiment 2 with the addition of a Distractor column. This column indicates if a participant was shown a distractor face before test.

Results derived from these data are published in the Quraterly Journal fo Experimental Psychology at . These experiments explored how introducing multiple views of an individual enhanced later identification. Some of these multiple views were taken as photographs and some were artificially generated.


Supporting face familiarization using perceptual and engineering frameworks (2009-09-01 - 2013-06-28). Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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