The Occurrence and Zoonotic Potential of Cryptosporidium Species in Freshwater Biota Data
The data comprises of three .csv files (invertebrate larvae and fish/mammalian results as well as site descriptions). The aquatic invertebrate file, entitled Results_Invertebrate_Larvae.csv, is structured with the following headings:
Sample_number describes the unique number given to the sample at the CRU;
Sample_Description describes the type of invertebrate larva tested;
Number_of_larvae_pooled(Seeded_with_C.hominis_oocysts) describes the number of larvae testing in each sample and where larvae were seeded with C. hominis oocysts how many were used;
Site describes the location that the larvae were collected (refer to DURESS_CU_site_description.csv);
n18S describes the result of the nested ssu rRNA PCR(Neg = Negative, Pos = Positive;
Ch_Ct_value describes the Ct value from the C. hominis real-time PCR; IC_Ct value describes the Ct value from the internal control PCR.
The file containing the data from the other sample types, entitled Results_Biofilm_Fish_Mammals.csv, is structured with the following headings:
Site describes the site where the sample was collected (refer to supporting document DURESS_CU_site_description.csv);
Sample_group describes the general source of the sample (e.g. biofilm or fish, etc);
Host describes the source of the sample in more detail (e.g. trout, For biofilm samples N/A stands for not applicable.);
Sample_Type describes the nature of the sample (e.g. biofilm, faeces),
CRU_Ref describes the unique number given to the sample at the CRU; n18S_result describes the result of the nested ssu rRNA PCR and sequenecing;
GP60 describes the result of the nested gp60 PCR
Sequencing describes the result of the sequencing.
Neg = negative, Pos = positive, Not Done = sequencing not carried out
Where the source of the faces could not be identified unambiguously a question mark has been added to the name of the mammal (e.g. Mink?)
Data is available for download from:
Diversity in Upland Rivers for Ecosystem Service Sustainability - DURESS
Natural Environment Research Council
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