The Impact of Turbulence and Turbine Operating Condition on the Wakes of Tidal Turbines - data
The data set contains experimental data collected during re-circulating flume testing of a horizontal axis tidal turbine. The 1/20th scale tidal turbine was tested at the IFREMER recirculating flume facility in Boulogne Sur Mer, France. The data sets currently included are sets of Laser Doppler Velocimeter measurements of the flume characteristics and tidal turbine wake characteristics - currently data is available for tests undertaken at a low turbulence level and with turbulence generation grid with 'small' grid spacing.
The data is presented as a .txt files which are located to folders detailing the position of the measurments. Each .txt file contains the following headings:
"Row#" "AT [ms]" "TT [us]" "LDA1 [m/s]" "AT{2} [ms]" "TT{2} [us]" "LDA2{2} [m/s]"
which refer to the folowing quantities:
LDA1 - Flow vleocity in the primary direction in m/s
LDA2 - Flow at right angles to primary direction in m/s
AT - Arrival Time - time the measurement was taken starting from zero at the start of the test and in miliseconds. {2} - quantities associated with LDA2
TT - Transit Time - time the reflective or seeding particle is in the measurement volume in microseconds. {2} - quantities associated with LDA2
Each LDA file has a header with deteails of the time and LDA position, for example:
7;5000.00 mm;-100.00 mm;0.00 mm
Only the position line (7;5000.00 mm;-100.00 mm;0.00 mm) is of any importance - this has the format x - position mm; y-position mm; z-postion mm.
x is aligned with turbine axis or stream-wise direction;
y is aligned with the cross stream direction with the centre of the flume at the origin;
z is the vertical position with the 0 at the mid depth and the negative deirection towards the fluid surface.
A detailed explanation of the testing procedure followed can be found in a journal paper produced on the testing available at:
Quantification of the effects of combined turbulence and turbine wake flow effects on TST arrays (2017-10-01 - 2018-09-30); O'Doherty, Tim. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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NoneLanguage(s) in dataset
- English-Great Britain (EN-GB)