Supplemental material for "Human-centred design of a new microneedle-based hormonal contraceptive delivery system"
The material used with participants in our user studies is provided here. The material includes:
- Information sheets
- Consent forms
- Questionnaires
- SSI and FGD guidelines
Full qualitative transcripts are not available for ethical reasons because even after removing directly identifiable information such as names and addresses, participant identity may be difficult to fully conceal, and research locations may remain potentially identifiable, presenting a risk of deductive disclosure. However, codebooks and relevant excerpts of transcripts are available from the authors on reasonable request. Requests should be sent to the corresponding author at or to Requests will be granted to researchers for the purposes of comparative analysis, upon approval from relevant ethics committees.
Research results based upon these data are published at
To provide evidence on the technical feasibility, usability and acceptability of a self-administrable contraceptive micro-array patch for 6 month duration of action for use in low and middle income countries
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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