Cardiff University

Structural characterisation and catalytic testing data of shell-core catalysts comprising vanadia-on-haematite

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:25 authored by Pip HellierPip Hellier, Michael BowkerMichael Bowker, D Gianolio

Catalysts designed with a shell-core motif comprising vanadia on haematite have been found to be effective catalysts for methanol selective oxidation to formaldehyde. They are of interest not solely for their abilities in this reaction, but as a means of gauging the applicability of vanadia to the shell-core motif explored previously in the Bowker group.

This dataset includes data from characterisation techniques and catalytic testing. The following characterisation methods were employed (with dataset contents/column headings detailed):

  • Raman spectroscopy - Raman shift (cm-1) and signal intensity (arbitrary units)
  • XRD - 2Theta (°) and signal intensity (arbitrary units)
  • Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy - wavenumber (cm-1) and diffuse absorbance (arbitrary units)
  • X-ray Absorbance Spectroscopy - Energy (eV) and normalised absorption (abitrary units)
The following catalytic testing was performed:
  • Temperature Programmed Desorption - a catalyst sample was dosed with microlitre quantities of methanol at 35°C under flowing He, and then heated to 500°C at a ramp rate of 10°C/min while a mass spectrometer measured the products and emissions from the catalyst. Data include Elapsed Time (s), Sample Temperature (°C) and MS signals for relevant analytes (e.g. formaldehyde, CO2, etc.). This technique provides quick determination of shell-core segregation through the nature of products observed: formaldehyde in TPD is indicative of good segregation.
  • Pulsed Flow Reaction/Selectivity & Conversion data - a catalyst was heated from 35°C to 500°C under an O2/He atmosphere, and microlitre quantities of methanol were injected every two minutes. Data given as for TPD.

Research results based upon these data are published at


Segregation and reactivity in bi-cationic metal oxides (2016-01-01 - 2019-06-30); Hellier, Pip. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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