Stochastic periodic microstructures for multiscale modelling of heterogeneous materials - data
Plurigaussian simulation is a method of discrete random field generation that can be used to generate many complex geometries depicting real world structures. Whilst it is commonly applied at larger scales to represent geological phenomena, the highly flexible approach is suitable for generating structures at all scales.In the related paper, an extension of plurigaussian simulation to periodic plurigaussian simulation (P-PGS) is presented, such that the resulting fields are periodic in nature. By using periodic Gaussian random fields as components of the method, periodicity is enforced in the generated structures. To substantiate the use of P-PGS in capturing complex heterogeneities in a physically meaningful way, the pore-scale microstructure of cement paste was represented such that its effective properties can be calculated through a computational homogenisation approach.The .vtk files relating to the microscale solution and contained here.