Cardiff University

Steady state simulation and operation planning of integrated energy supply systems

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posted on 2024-10-30, 07:30 authored by Muditha AbeysekeraMuditha Abeysekera, Nicholas JenkinsNicholas Jenkins

The data relates to the PhD thesis submitted to Cardiff University in candidature for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy by Muditha Abeysekera.  The thesis presents research undertaken to develop a model for the combined steady state simulation and operation planning of integrated energy supply systems. As part of the thesis, three key components of the model were developed i.e:

1)    Optimal power dispatch of an integrated energy system: A real case study was used to demonstrate the economic benefits of considering the interactions between different energy systems in their design and operation planning. This work is presented in Chapter 3 of the PhD thesis. The data related to this work is available in the XLS file titled 'Chapter 3_Optimal power dispatch_Dataset’. These data provide, for the period 1/4/2014 - 31/3/2015, half-hourly figures for electricity demand (kW) and from two centres, the heat demand (kW), and optimal gas input to gas boiler (kW), optimal gas input to CHP unit (kW), optimal electricity input (kW), optimal electric chiller electricity input (kW), optimal heat input to absorption chiller (kW), marginal cost of electricity (£), marginal cost of heat (£), marginal cost of cooling (£) in terms of electricity demand (kW) and heat demand (kW) in 500kW bins.

2)    Simultaneous steady state analysis of coupled energy networks: An example of a coupled electricity, gas, district heating and district cooling network system was used to illustrate the formulation of equations and the iterative solution method. A case study was carried out to demonstrate the application of the method for integrated energy network analysis. This work is presented in Chapter 5 of the PhD thesis. The data related to this work is available in the XLS file titled ‘Chapter 5_case study_Data set’. The data provide, for 3 cases: electricity network results - for bus bar, energy demands (MW), power generation (MW) and voltage magnitude and voltage angle, and branch results comprising active power and re-active power to and from bus injection, and real and reactive power losses; gas network information - for gas node, gas demand, CHP gas demand, boiler gas demand, total gas supply and gas pressure, and pipe data for gas flow rate and pressure drop; heat network information - for hear node, fixed heat demand, absorption chiller heat demand, total heat demand, heat supply, mass flow into node, supply-line and return-line temperatures, supply-line and return-line pressures, and pubmping power, and branch information of mass flow rate, supply-line and return-line heat loss, line heat loss, supply-line and return-line temperature loss, line heat loss, supply-line and return-line termperature drop,  branch pressure drop and branch specific pressure drop; cooling network information - for cooling node, fixed cooling demand, cooling supply, mass flow into node, supply-line and return-line temperature, supply-line and return-line pressure, pumping power, and for branch, mass flow rate, supply-line heat gain, return-lin heat loss and branch pressure drop.

3)    Steady state analysis of gas networks with the distributed injection of alternative gases: A case study was carried out to demonstrate the impact of alternative gas injections on the pressure delivery and gas quality in the network. This work is presented in Chapter 6 of the PhD thesis. The data related to this work is available in the XLS file titled ‘Chapter 5_case study_Data set’. Data provides: node pressure (mbar) and branch flow-rate(m^3/hr); pressure (mbar) for the nodes under hydrogen-enriched natural gas mixture and for upgraded biogas mixture; for the nodes the actual energy demand (kJ/s) and available energy; pressure (mbar) and wobbe index at nodes for two methodes and flow rate in branches, for the two methods, over various periods.

Research results based upon these data are published at


Combined analysis of coupled energy networks (2012-10-01 - 2015-09-30); Abeysekera, Muditha. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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