Room temperature lasing from InGaAs quantum well nanowires on silicon-on-insulator substrates
In this work we demonstrate room temperature lasing from core-shell nanowires consisting of a radial InGaAs quantum well as the active material.The nanowires with the GaAs/InGaAs/InGaP quantum well structures are arranged in a deformed honeycomb lattice, forming a photonic crystal surface emitting laser (PCSEL). We demonstrate lasing from devices with three different nanowire diameters from undeformed, stretched, and compressed honeycomb lattices. Under optical pumping we show that the PCSEL lases at the wavelength of 966 nm (stretched pattern), with the lasing threshold of 103 μJ/cm 2. The lasing wavelength increases as the nanowire diameter increases. Combining photoluminescence results and numerical simulations on the field profile and the quality factors of the devices, we establish that the lasing of the device is from the radial quantum well structure.
The data set includes:
Fig.1 (e): PL intensity (a.u.) vs wavelength (nm)
Fig. 1 (f): PL peak wavelength vs nanowire diameter
Fig. 3 (c): Frequency (ωa/2πc) vs Wavevector. Each structure is in a separate file (DATA_x.csv). Each file contains a 2d array. Each column contains the frequency data points for each mode (outx, where x is mode number). The first column contains the index of the wavevector, which is an uniform distribution of values in the M-Gamma-X direction. DATAZ.csv contains the same data, but cropped to show the zoomed in inset.
Fig. 3 (d): Confinement factor vs mode number
Fig. 4 (a): One file per spectrum containing a 2D array spectrometer CCD image written as wavelength (nm) vs intensity (a.u.). Wavelength and intensity values are given for each pixel in a raster-scan pattern across the 2D image, starting with the top row in the direction of increasing wavelength. Each row in the 2D image is a full spectrum, the full image contains 512 rows.
Spectrum data was taken with a 2D array CCD spectrometer. Spectrum datafiles indicate measurement conditions in the file name such as laser used, power and exposure time. Bandstructure data was simulated using the Python package Legume.