Cardiff University

Probing Purcell enhancement and photon collection efficiency of InAs quantum dots at nodes of the cavity electric field: data

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posted on 2024-09-18, 11:43 authored by Matthew JordanMatthew Jordan, Petros AndrovitsaneasPetros Androvitsaneas, Rachel Clark, Aristotelis Trapalis, Ian Farrer, Wolfgang LangbeinWolfgang Langbein, Anthony BennettAnthony Bennett

Data from a study of how key metrics such as Purcell factor, β-factor and collection efficiency are determined by the non-cavity modes which exist in real devices, taking the well-studied micropillar cavity as an example. The pillars studied consist of 17(26) upper (lower) GaAs/AlGaAs DBRs containing InAs quantum dots.

1b - Cavity E-Field Sketch.csv
Sinusoidal data used in a sketch of the electric field intensity within a cavity spacer layer of a micropillar. Column 1 is the vertical distance from the cavity centre in nm. Column 2 is the |E|2 is recorded in arbitrary units.

1c - Anti-Node Parallel.csv
2D mode field profile parallel to anti-node-placed dipole in a pillar. First column gives x-coordinates in um. First row gives z-coordinates in um. Data values are in V/m.

1d - Anti-Node Perpendicular.csv
2D mode field profile perpendicular to anti-node-placed dipole in a pillar. First column gives y-coordinates in um. First row gives z-coordinates in um. Data values are in V/m.

1e - Node Parallel.csv
2D mode field profile parallel to node-placed dipole in a pillar. First column gives x-coordinates in um. First row gives z-coordinates in um. Data values are in V/m.

1f - Node Perpendicular.csv
2D mode field profile parallel to node-placed dipole in a pillar. First column gives y-coordinates in um. First row gives z-coordinates in um. Data values are in V/m.

Extracted values of the spontaneous emission coupling efficiency (col. 2), outcoupling efficiency (col. 3), Purcell factor (col. 4), and non-cavity modes normalised to the source power in a homogenous medium (col. 5), vary with the z position of the dipole source in a pillar (col. 1, in um).

3a - Anti-Node Power Dependent PL.csv
10 sec PL spectra at various powers obtained at 4K for a pillar with a quantum dot layer at the cavity anti-node without transitions resonant with the HE11 mode. First column gives the photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in eV. Columns 2-5 give PL count rates in kcounts/sec, at 3.2uW power, 9.6uW, 27.0uW, and 50.0uW.

3b - Node Power Dependent PL.csv
10 sec PL spectra at various powers obtained at 4K for a pillar with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node without transitions resonant with the HE11 mode. First column gives the photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in eV. Columns 2-5 give PL count rates in kcounts/sec, at 3.0uW power, 10.3uW, 26.0uW, and 49.7uW.

3c - Anti-Node Statistical PL.csv
Collated 10 sec PL spectra obtained at 4K for 24 pillars with a quantum dot layer at the cavity anti-node. Cols. 1 and 2 give the photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in eV and the combined counts in kCounts/sec. Cols. 3 and 4 give another set of photon energy in eV and the spectra in kCounts/sec after averaging in 0.01nm bins, x2.5.

3d - Node Statistical PL.csv
Collated 10 sec PL spectra obtained at 4K for 24 pillars with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node. Cols. 1 and 2 give the photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in eV and the combined counts in kCounts/sec. Cols. 3 and 4 give another set of photon energy in eV and the spectra in kCounts/sec after averaging in 0.01nm bins, x2.5.

4 - Transition A1.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity anti-node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition A2.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity anti-node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition A3.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity anti-node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition B1.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition B2.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition B3a.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

4 - Transition B3b.csv
Col. 1 gives photon energy relative to the HE11 mode in meV of a magnetically detuned transition near the cavity mode of a sample with a quantum dot layer at the cavity node. Col. 2 gives the resulting radiative lifetime recorded in ps. Col. 3 gives the corresponding magnetic field used in T, while col. 4 is the change in energy due to the Zeeman tuning in meV. Some values are unrecorded due to overlapping transitions or stage issues at high B-field.

Research results based upon these data are published at 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.L022004


EPSRC Hub in Quantum Computing and Simulation (2019-12-01 - 2025-05-31); Bennett, Anthony. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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