Orientation data obtained by the electron-backscatter diffraction technique in the Electron Microbeam Laboratory in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University. Data are in a .ctf file, able to be read directly by Oxford Instruments software, and the open-source MTEX toolbox for MATLAB (https://mtex-toolbox.github.io/). Colunms in the datafile describes the phase, orientation (3 Euler angles), and location of each pixel within the analysed region of the sample (file|: SC16_Quartz_1.ctf).
Matlab script file containing MTEX code used to process the raw data into pole figures showing grain orientations (files: SC16_1.m).
Mechanics of slow earthquake phenomena: an integrated perspective from the composition, geometry, and rheology of plate boundary faults (2017-02-01 - 2023-06-30); Fagereng, Ake. Funder: Commission of the European Communities:H2020-ERC-2016-STG-GA-715836