Measuring robust functional connectivity from resting-state MEG using amplitude and entropy correlation across frequency-bands and temporal scale: AEC and MRVE correlation connectivity matrices - data
Data are provided in two Matlab cell arrays. 'AECmatrices' contains AEC connectivity matrices for 10 frequency bands and 'MRVEmatrices' contains MRVE correlation matrices for 25 scale frequencies.
For each frequency band and scale frequency, a 183x90x90 matrix is provided. This corresponds to one 90x90 connectivity matrix per participant (n=183). Each connectivity matrix contains the Z scores indicating the connectivity between the 90 regions of the AAL atlas, obtained by correlation of amplitude envelopes (AEC) or multiscale rank-vector entropy timecourses (MRVE correlation). The diagonal elements are set to NaN as these elements would correspond to the connectivity between each region and itself.
Research results based upon these data re published at
Building multi-site clinical research capacity in Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Medical Research Council
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- English-Great Britain (EN-GB)