The dataset contains three textfiles, in Channel text file format, that contain microstructural information in spatial context, obtained by the electron-backscatter difraction (EBSD) technique. Each file contains information about the phase, unit cell orientation, and EBSD pattern-quality, and corresponding x and y positions within analysed regions.
A MATLAB script is also included, which was used to produce figures that show the EBSD data in the associated publication.
Research results based upon these data are published at
Mechanics of slow earthquake phenomena: an integrated perspective from the composition, geometry, and rheology of plate boundary faults (2017-02-01 - 2023-06-30); Fagereng, Ake. Funder: Commission of the European Communities:H2020-ERC-2016-STG-GA-715836
Specialist software required to view data files
MATLAB and the MTEX microstructural analysis package (