Cardiff University

Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results

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posted on 2024-10-30, 07:33 authored by Jonathan Yeung, Alvaro Hahn

This dataset contains LCIA results.

One of the most relevant, and challenging, research topics is the integration of different domain models to effectively describe and inform improvement strategies for the behaviour and performance of a building and building stock.

This problem has been largely been unsolved with only one study attempting to integrate building energy simulation and life cycle assessments, whilst no work has attempted this integration in a dynamic manner.

The publication to which this dataset provides supporting information, addresses this gap by developing a dynamic, open building information modelling based co-simulation architecture. This architecture is the first to tightly couple and integrate EnergyPlus and Brightway2, in a way that does not rely upon heuristics or simplified tools. Furthermore, it is the first building energy simulation and life cycle assessment co-simulation to enable time-differentiated (dynamic) results and the first to be enabled only by open technologies.

The architecture has been validated against two case-study non-domestic buildings located in the United Kingdom and Luxembourg, demonstrating its applicability to the construction and operational life cycle phases of buildings.

The associated dataset is presented as a single csv file with the following sheets:

    1. LCA dynamic data - contains the dynamic LCA timeseries results for GWP where the rows denote the time elapsed and the columns represent the electricicty and natural gas results for each scenario across the two case studies.

    2. ContribAnalysis_Materials_LIST - contains the contains the contribution analysis and inputs for the Luxembourg LCA case study

    3. ContribAnalysis_Materials_CU - contains the contains the contribution analysis and inputs for the Cardiff LCA case study

    4. CU_ifctypes - contains a breakdown of the elements making up the Cardiff IFC model, where rows indicate the element and columns represent the count and sum of volumes.

    5. LIST_ifctypes - contains a breakdown of the elements making up the Luxembourg IFC model, where rows indicate the element and columns represent the count and sum of volumes.

Research results based upon these data are published at


FNR - Attenuating the Environmental Impact of our Buildings through Semantic-based Dynamic Life cycle Assessment (SemanticLCA)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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