Investigating the Effects of Surface Adsorbates on Gold and Palladium Deposition on Carbon - data
An exploration was carried out of the formation of hydroxyls, thiosulfates, sulfites, and sulfur atoms on carbon (HOPG) surfaces and their effect on the deposition of gold and palladium from aqueous solutions.
The dataset contains x-ray photoelectron spectra and atomic force microscopy images with associated quantification of data from those images saved as Origin and Excel tables and charts.
All the figures involve either XP spectra or AFM images. The Pd(2p), Cl(2p), and O(1s) regions are highlighted in the paper but the data sets also contain wide scans and other regions. These are formatted using the VAMAS standard for XP data. Curve fitting of the XP data was performed using the CasaXPS program and the .vms source files are provided.
Unfortunately, the raw data for the AFM images were corrupted and only the bitmaps are supplied. However, the line profiles are available as excel formatted data sets.
Research results based upon these data are published at