Contains Paraview visualisation and isotope information files for simulations. Investigating influences on the Pb pseudo-isochron using three-dimensional mantle convection models with a continental reservoir.
The isotope files are a sample of all melt produced at 200Myr intervals. Files are concatenated from a file produced per each process. Columns are :
Time, meltage (same as time as melt produced this timestep), longitude, latitude, radius, Number of time particle has entered a melting zone prior to this melt event, He3 (abundance) He4, Ar36, Ar40, K40, U235, U238 , Pb204, Pb206, Pb207, Pb208, Th232, H2O.
Research results bsed upon these data are published at
Deep Volatiles/Cardiff - Shell Industrial Collaboration (2019-02-01 - 2019-04-26); Davies, Huw. Funder: Natural Environment Research Council
Mantle Circulation Constrained (MC2): A multidisciplinary 4D Earth framework for understanding mantle upwellings