Cardiff University

InP Quantum Dot Mode-Locked Laser Data

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:50 authored by Zhibo LiZhibo Li, Craig AllfordCraig Allford, Samuel ShuttsSamuel Shutts, AF Forrest

InP QD materials were processed into gain-guided multi-segment contact devices for optical modal gain and modal absorption measurements, and also narrow ridge two-section FP lasers for mode-locking measurements. All numerical data are included in a folder called “InP QD mode-locked laser dataset”, which contains 5 sub-folders called fig.2, fig.3, fig.4, fig.5 and fig.6, which are the experimental data shown in each corresponding figure.

In folder fig.2, all data files are two-column .DAT type of optical gain and absorption measurements of gain-guided multi-segment contact devices, plotting in Figure 2 in the paper. Each file includes wavelength (left column, unit in nm) vs. optical gain and/or absorption (right column, arbitrary unit). The file with the name of “10mA”, “20mA”, …,”150mA” indicates the pumping current applied in each section for gain measurement. The file with the name of “Abs” corresponds to the absorption measurement results.

In folder fig.3, all data files are three-column .TXT type of Current-Voltage (I-V) measurements of a narrow ridge mode-locked laser (MLL), plotting in Figure 3 in the paper. The MLL consists of two sections which is called gain section and saturable absorber (SA) section. Each file includes current (left column, unit in A), voltage (middle column, unit in V), and average optical power (right column, unit in W). Only the data in the left and middle columns were used to generate the I-V curves of MLL when operated in different conditions. The file with the name of “All forward” is the I-V data of the MLL measured with both two sections forward biased. The file with the name “SA 0v”, “SA 1v”, “SA 2v”, “SA 3v”, and “SA floating” corresponds to the I-V data of the MLL measured with the gain section forward biased, but SA section was applied reverse bias at 0v (grounded), 1v, 2v, 3v, and floating (open circuit), respectively.

In folder fig.4, one data file with the name of “H3 80 mA 2.74 V” is three-column .DAT type of optical pulse-width measurement by using an autocorrelator. This file includes time (left column, unit in ps) vs. optical signal intensity (middle column, arbitrary unit), and a Sech2 fit of optical signal intensity shown in the right column with arbitrary unit. Two data files with the name of “H3 80.0 mA 2.74 V 9.7 Degrees RFA Trace (12.55 GHz Centre 10 MHz Span)” and “H3 80.0 mA 2.74 V 9.7 Degrees RFA Trace (13.25 GHz Centre 26.5 GHz Span)” are two-column .CSV type of repetition frequency measurement by using a fast photodetector and a RF spectrometer. Each of these files includes repetition frequency (left column, unit in Hz) vs. signal intensity (right column, unit in dB). The file name reveals the measurement parameters set in the RF spectrometer, which is scanning centre at 12.55GHz, scanning span of 10MHz and scanning centre at 13.25GHz, scanning span of 26.5GHz, respectively. The last data file with the name “lasing spectra” is two-column .CSV type of lasing spectrum measurement by using an optical spectrometer. This file includes wavelength (left column, unit in nm) vs. light intensity (right column, unit in dBm). Pulse-width, repetition frequency and lasing spectrum were taken at the same time under the driving condition of 80mA forward current applied to the gain section and 2.74V reverse bias applied to the SA section.

In folder fig.5, six data files are three-column .DAT type of optical pulse-width measurement by using an autocorrelator. This file includes time (left column, unit in ps) vs. optical signal intensity (middle column, arbitrary unit), and a Sech2 fit of optical signal intensity shown in the right column with arbitrary unit. The file name “1.06 V AC Trace”, “1.41 V AC Trace”, “1.76 V AC Trace”, “2.16 V AC Trace”, “2.46 V AC Trace”, “2.74 V AC Trace” indicates pulse-width was measured with a SA reverse bias at 1.06V, 1.41V, 1.76V, 2.16V, 2.46V and 2.74V respectively, and the gain current was fixed to 80mA. The corresponding lasing spectrum data is shown in the file with the name “W0002”, “W0003”, “W0004”, “W0006”, “W0007” and “W0008”. These files are two-column .CSV type of lasing spectrum measurement by using an optical spectrometer. This file includes wavelength (left column, unit in nm) vs. light intensity (right column, unit in dBm). TBP value is the product of the pulsed-width and the 3dB bandwidth of lasing spectrum.

In folder fig.6, three data files are three-column .DAT type of optical pulse-width measurement by using an autocorrelator. This file includes time (left column, unit in ps) vs. optical signal intensity (middle column, arbitrary unit), and a Sech2 fit of optical signal intensity shown in the right column with arbitrary unit. The file name “75mA AC Trace”, “80mA AC Trace” and “85mA AC Trace” indicates pulse-width was measured with a gain current at 75mA, 80mA and 85mA respectively, and the SA reverse bias was fixed to 1.85V. The corresponding lasing spectrum data is shown in the file with the name “75mA”, “80mA” and “85mA”. These files are two-column .CSV type of lasing spectrum measurement by using an optical spectrometer. This file includes wavelength (left column, unit in nm) vs. light intensity (right column, unit in dBm). TBP value is the product of pulsed-width and 3dB bandwidth of lasing spectrum.

Research results based upon these data are published at


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