Cardiff University

Feasible operation region of an electricity distribution network (UKGDS feeders as examples) - data

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posted on 2024-09-18, 11:37 authored by Xun JiangXun Jiang, Yue ZhouYue Zhou, Wenlong MingWenlong Ming, Jianzhong WuJianzhong Wu

In the course of net zero carbon transition, electricity distribution networks are faced with great challenges brought by increasing total and peak demand and the significant uncertainties from renewable power generation and customer behaviors. Therefore, distribution network operators need effective tools to assess the capability of distribution networks in integrating generation and demand to conduct active management and efficient expansion of networks. We published a paper on Applied Energy, providing a novel methodology that is termed as feasible operation region to accurately evaluate the capability of distribution networks.

The dataset regarding this paper includes 3 EXCEL files and "README.txt". The detailed description for them are presented as follows:

1. "UKGDS_Feeders.xls" provides data for the 11kV United Kingdom Generic Distribution System (UKGDS). Sheets "Feeder1_Buses" and "Feeder1_Branches" provide the basic information of the nodes and branches respectively used in the 5-node test feeder of the study, while sheets "Feeder8_Buses" and "Feeder8_Branches" provide data for the 27-node test feeder of the study. Other sheets store the data for the whole UKGDS (with 8 feeders in total) for reference.

2. "Results of 5-node feeder.xlsx" provides the results for the feasible operation region of the 5-node test feeder. It contains 8 sheets in total, providing the data behind Fig.10, Fig.11 and Fig A.1. (1) Regarding Fig. 10, "Err_thermal boundaries" and "Err_voltage boundaries" sheets present boundary errors of both quadratic expressions and hyperplane expressions of FOR boundaries in the 5-node feeder (measured by multiple distance functions). (2) "Currents_bpts" and "Voltage_bpts" sheets provide operation error of FOR boundaries in Fig.11. (3) The sheets "Err_each HP thermal boundary", "Err_each QD thermal boundary", "Err_each HP voltage boundary" and "Err_each QD voltage boundary" present boundary errors for hyperplane/quadratic expressions of each thermal/voltage boundary in the 5-node feeder in Fig. A.1 in Appendix.

3. "Results of 27-node feeder.xlsx" provides the results for the feasible operation region of the 27-node test feeder. It stores the data behind Fig.13 and Fig.14. (1) Corresponding to Fig. 13, "Err_thermal boundaries" and "Err_voltage boundaries" sheets present the data on boundary errors of FOR boundaries in the 27-node feeder. (2) "Currents_bpts" and "Voltage_bpts" sheets provide the operation error of FOR boundaries in Fig.14.

4. In "README.txt", the description and some notes of the dataset are provided.

Research results basud upon these data are published at


Multi-energy control of cyber-physical urban energy systems (MC2) (2020-04-01 - 2024-03-31); Wu, Jianzhong. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Supergen Energy Networks Hub 2018 (2018-07-01 - 2023-09-30); Wu, Jianzhong. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council:BH172715


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