Experimental dataset, analysing fish response to the presence of a single vertical-axis turbine
Using scaled laboratory flume experiments, we explore how turbine operation state (i.e., stationary (S) versus rotating (R)), discharge (i.e. mild (M) versus high (H)), and lateral blockage (i.e., confined (narrow flume) versus unconfined channel cross-section (wide flume)) influences the movement and behaviour of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss; Walbaum, 1792). The experimental data sets consist of three excel files, including:
(1) Fish behaviour data: For each treatment (narrow flume: MS, MR, HS, HR, and wide flume: MS-WF and MR-WF), 19-20 fish were tested. For each fish, the standard length, total length, and weight as well as time spent within different quadrants of the test section are provided alongside a description of the test section devision. Moreover, behaviour counts are provided for the following behaviours: near-passing, passing, evasion, entering, and potentially experiencing a strike.
(2) Fish movement trajectories: Fish location is presented as x,y position over time for all fish and for all treatments, including MS, MR, HS, HR, MS-WF, and MR-WF.
(3) Channel hydrodynamics:
Downstream hydrodynamics were measured using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV) for 10 downstream cross-sections within the y-z-plane at mid-turbine height in the wide flume. Streamwise mean velocity, streamwise turbulence intensity, turbulent kinetic energy, and horizontal Reynolds stress are summarised in the excel file.
Research results based upon these data are published at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-33000-w
Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Freshwater Bioscience and Sustainability (2018-10-01 - 2024-09-30); Durance, Isabelle. Funder: Natural Environment Research Council
Language(s) in dataset
- English-Great Britain (EN-GB)