Cardiff University

Experimental Analysis of Confinement and Swirl Effects on Premixed CH4-H2 Flame Behavior in a Pressurized Generic Swirl Burner

posted on 2024-09-18, 10:19 authored by Jon RunyonJon Runyon, Richard MarshRichard Marsh, Daniel PughDaniel Pugh, Philip Bowen, Anthony GilesAnthony Giles, Steven MorrisSteven Morris, A Valera-Medina

A variety of low carbon intensity hydrogen production methods are currently being explored to enable the use of hydrogen as an energy vector within existing natural gas infrastructure.  The introduction of hydrogen into natural gas systems presents potential operational issues for gas turbine combustion and power generation applications; in particular as acceptable blending concentrations are still widely debated.  The use of a geometrically generic swirl burner under conditions representative of a gas turbine combustor is therefore advantageous to provide evidence of potential design modifications necessary for future gas turbine operation on hydrogen-blended fuels as well as to validate CFD model predictions.  Building on an experimental combustion database consisting of methane-hydrogen fuel blends under atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions (swirl burner) and elevated temperature and pressure conditions (Bunsen burner), a new generic swirl burner has been scaled for experimental investigation of flame stability and exhaust gas emissions at combustor inlet temperatures up to 573 K, combustor inlet pressures up to 0.33 MPa, and thermal powers up to 126 kW.  The geometry of the modular burner is augmented under isothermal and combustion conditions to investigate separately the influence of combustor outlet geometry and the effect of changing geometric swirl number.  The burner confinement is varied to include both a cylindrical exit quartz combustion chamber and a conical convergent exit quartz combustion chamber, designed to provide a more representative geometric and acoustic boundary at the combustor outlet.  Two inlet geometric swirl numbers are utilized; with value of 0.8 and 0.5.  The investigation of chemical effects of hydrogen addition has been isolated by maintaining nominally similar turbulence characteristics within the combustor flow field across comparable experimental conditions.  Combustion stability and heat release locations of lean premixed CH4-air and CH4-H2-air combustion are evaluated by a combination of OH planar laser induced fluorescence, OH* chemiluminescence, and real-time dynamic pressure measurements.  Chemical kinetic modelling was also conducted to provide support to the experimental observations that stable methane burner operation can be achieved with blended hydrogen up to 15% by volume.
This dataset includes single value measurements of the high-pressure combustion rig operating conditions (temperature (°C), pressure (bara), mass flow (g/s), and pressure drops (mbar)) during each test point of the referenced experimental programme. The data also includes chemiluminescence images, planar laser induced fluorescence images, dynamic pressure measurements, and full experimental rig data acquisition logs.  The raw chemiluminescence and PLIF images files are captured through Dantec's DynamicStudio software (IMAGE files) and the dynamic pressure measurements are captured through National Instrument's SignalExpress (converted from TDMS file structure to Microsoft Excel (xlsx) format). Combustion exhaust gas analysis measurements and chemical kinetics modelling outputs (using CHEMKIN PRO software) are also provided. Single value rig logs, real-time rig data acquisition logs, combustion exhaust gas analysis, and chemical kinetics modeling outputs are provided in Microsoft Excel (XLS/XLSX) format.

Research results based upon these data are published at


Flexible and Efficient Power Plant: Flex-E-Plant

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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