This dataset was generated during a self-healing concrete site trial which was part of the Materials for Life (M4L) research project. This project was EPSRC funded and was carried out by the Universities of Cardiff, Bath and Cambridge to investigate the development of self-healing cementitious construction materials.
This was widely reported as the UK’s first site trial of self-healing concrete. The trial comprised the in-situ construction of five concrete panels using a range of self-healing technologies within the site compound of the A465 Heads of the Valleys Highway upgrading project, in South Wales. Four self-healing techniques were used both individually and in combination with one another. They were: (i) the use of microcapsules developed by the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with industry, containing mineral healing agents, (ii) bacterial healing using the expertise developed at Bath University, (iii) the use of a shape memory polymer (SMP) based system for crack closure and (iv) the delivery of a mineral healing agent through a vascular flow network. Both of the latter, (iii) and (iv), were the product of research undertaken at Cardiff University.
The dataset contains information on the design, construction, testing, and monitoring of these trial panels and can be divided into the following sub sections:
Construction data
Design Drawings
Equipment orders
Material orders
RAMS and Permits
Progress photos
Preparation base wall
Panel setup before casting
Casting day photos
Panels after casting
Panel B activation
Testing week
Final testing
Raw data
Crack measurement (DEMEC) readings
Digital image correlation (DIC)
Loading activation data
Microscope images
Ultrasonic measurements
Weather data
Processed data
DID Site trial processed DaVis
DIC site trial processed Images
Loading and activation data
The primary findings of the research work is published
Materials for life (M4L): Biomimetic multi-scale damage immunity for construction materials (2013-10-01 - 2016-09-30); Gardner, Diane. Funder: Costain Ltd
Specialist software required to view data files
(.set, .dat, .im7,.vc7, .exp) Requires DaVis 8.3 Software, from LaVision GmbH.
(.tdms) Requires National Instruments (NI) software - data has been exported to excel.