Cardiff University

Data set for paper: Positive functional synergy of structurally integrated artificial protein dimers assembled by Click chemistry

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:41 authored by Harley WorthyHarley Worthy, HS Auhim, WD Jamieson, Jacob Pope, Aaron WallAaron Wall, R Batchelor, Rachel Johnson, Daniel Watkins, Pierre Rizkallah, Oliver CastellOliver Castell, Darran JonesDarran Jones

The dataset for the spectral data (absorbance and fluoresence) presented in the paper together with the full gel images that consistute Supporting Figure 4. All structural information has been submitted to the PDB with accession code 5nhn.

Steady state fluoresence was performed as described in the experimental section of the related manuscript. The   datasets for absorbance has given in molar absorbance coefficient so as to standardise to a protein concentrtation of 1 M. The methods for determining protein concentration are highlighted in the associated paper. Importantly, we used sfGFP as the reference for generating standard curves of concentration. We also used a molar absorbance coeffficent of 49000 M-1cm-1 at 485 nm as the originally reported value is wrong. The fluoresence data is presented largely as normalised data. Included in the fluoresence dataset is the data of fluoresence intnesity (in arbitory units) against wavelength used to normalise related spectra; the data point used as the normalisation point of 1 is highlighted also. 

Research results based upon these data are published at


Generation of genetically encoded bioscensors using propriety protein engineering approach (2009-05-01 - 2011-01-10); Jones, Dafydd. Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council:BB/FOF/263

Electron transfer in engineered single protein molecules

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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Incorporation of unnatrural amino acids into proteins by directed evolution (2008-10-01 - 2009-10-01). Funder: Wellcome Trust:084542/Z/07/Z4


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