Cardiff University

Data for paper entitled "The role of Cu and film thickness on the photocatalytic activity of mesoporous spin coated TiO2 films"

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Most of the data is contained in an OriginPro 2023b file with each figure in a separate folder; folders are described below.

Parts of Figures 1 and 3 are data from photoelectron spectroscopy and are contained in VMS files with the ISO standard VAMAS format. They were created with the program CASAXPS version 2.3.24.

OriginPro file:

Figure 1a). Table of Y-columns: % stearic acid removed from the surface: X-Column Time/minutes.

Figure 2. Table of Y-columns: % stearic acid remaining at the surface: X-Column Time/seconds. Each Y column represents data from catalyst with different Cu wt%

Figure 3. b) Table of EXAFS data for 8 catalysts with different Cuwt% loading: X-column: X-ray energy/eV; Y column : absorption

Figure 3. c) Plot of derived proportion of CuO and Cu2O % in catalyst samples. X column: Catalyst labels; Y-column %CuO present.

Figure 4: Plots Film thicknesses against deposition spin speed. Y column Film thickness/10-6 m; X-column deposition spin speed in rpm.

Figure 5a Chart of calculated reaction Half lives (from data in Figure 1) for 5 different catalysts with different Cuwt% deposited at different spin speeds. Y column : Half life in seconds; x-column : deposition spin speed/rpm

Figure 5b Chart of calculated reaction Half lives (from data in Figure 1) for 5 different catalysts with different Cuwt% plotted against measured film thickness: Y column : Half life in seconds; x-column : measured film thicknesses.

CASAXPS files:

Filename: XPS Dept Profile Non-Porous sample.vms & XPS Dept Profile Porous sample.vms

Figure 1 b: Snapshot data of C(1s) spectra for two samples consisting of approximately 100 spectra for each: X-axis binding energy; y axis signal intensity (cps).

File name: Cu state characterisation.vms

Figure 3 a:Cu(sp) spectra for 4 samples: X-axis binding energy; y axis signal intensity (cps).

Research results based upon these data are published at


HarwellXPS Development

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Find out more...

HarwellXPS: Renewal of NRF in photoelectron spectroscopy (2023-08-17 - 2028-08-16); Davies, Philip. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


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CasaXPS Originpro

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  • English-Great Britain (EN-GB)

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