Data provided was used to generate graphs within the manuscript. Details are provided on each spreadsheet, which is titled with the specific Figure panel. Description of the measurements in each row and column within each Figure is provided in these spreadsheets.
Characterisation of a novel class of natural killer cell immunoevasin (2021-05-01 - 2025-02-28); Wang, Eddie. Funder: Medical Research Council:MR/V00489/1
Systematic characterisation of the HCMV pathogenicity domain spontaneously lost form commonly used passaged strains (2016-12-01 - 2021-05-31); Tomasec, Peter. Funder: Medical Research Council
Exploring innate-like and adaptive gamma delta T cell paradigms in health and disease (2021-03-01 - 2026-02-28); Wang, Eddie. Funder: Wellcome Trust