Data Repository for paper "Direct visualisation of domain wall pinning in sub-100nm 3D magnetic nanowires with cross-sectional curvature", Joseph Askey and Matthew Hunt et al. 2024
In this paper we fabricate 3D ferromagnetic nanowires with sub-100nm using two photon lithography at wavelength of 405 nm. We demonstrate a range of novel domain wall textures via micromagnetics, and characterise our experimental systems using SEM, qDIC, AFM and MFM and observe domain wall pinning largely influenced by roughness and thickness gradients of the deposited magnetic material.
In the dataset we provide the raw and processed data for each figure in the publication. The data repository folder is organised by figure, and subsequent directories containing raw data, processed data, blender file for all schematics (organised by figure in the filetree), python analysis scripts in the form of jupyter notebooks for all relevant figures, readme.txt files for directory navigation, etc.
fig1 -master_blender_file_figs1-3.blend: blender master file for generating schematics shown in figs1-3 (organised by relevant folders in .blend file tree)
-fig1a-d: saved as jpgs
fig2 -raw_sems: raw sem images as .tiff files
-features: sem feature sizes as .txt files
-fig2b.ipynb: sem feature size analysis notebook
-fig2a-e: panels saved as .jpgs and .pngs
fig3 -fig3_vtk/ctw_hh.vtk: .vtk file for visualising the ctw domain wall in figure 3 of main paper
-paraview/paraview_state_fig3_s3-5.pvsm: .pvsm file to load into paraview to visualise all domain wall types, other .vtks can be found in the appropriate folders
-nmag_raw/: directory containing raw NMag python, data, mesh, h5 and q files. Used in the relaxation of head to head domain walls.
-psf/: directory containing raw data of the 405 voxel comprised of a tiff stack (405_psf.tiff), accompanying coordinates (405_psf.txt), and colormap
-fig3a.ipynb: jupyter notebook for loading the data and generating figure 3a
-fig3a-g: all fig 3 panels saved as .jpgs and .pngs
fig4 -afm/: raw data (.gwy file)
-mfm/: raw data (.gwy file)
-fig4a & fig4b.png: of the analysed 2D and 3D afm images
-fig4c & fig4d.png: of the analysed 2D and 3D mfm images
-fig4e_4f.ipynb: jupyter notebook for generating figures 4e and 4f
-fig4e & fig4f.png: binarized image and normalised count plot
-img.png: raw binarized image of the mfm shown in figure 4c and 4d
-peaks.csv: raw data peak fit data, pixel number versus normalised counts (see jupyter notebook for relevant columns)
fig5 -fig5a-b_sems/: folder containing raw uncropped .tiffs angled sem views of the sinusoidal nanowires analysed via mfm
-fig5c-d_heatmaps/: folder containing raw data .csv data of pinning probability as function of position and in-plane field for l5 and l2 wires
-fig5e-j_afm_tot_bk/: folder containing raw data (afm files, .gwy, .txt with z-profiles, roughness and waviness, and collated .csv files) for l5 and l2 wires
-fig5c-d.ipynb: jupyter notebook for loading relevant data and generating fig5c and 5d heatmaps
-fig5e-j.ipynb: jupyter notebook for loading relevant data and generating fig5e to fig 5j afm, projected total field and depinning fields
-fig5a-5j: all sub-panels saved as .tif or .pngs
s1 -k500_lw40.csv: raw data containing phase data and pixel number taken across line profile shown in fig_s1a.png for \kappa = 500 and linewidth 40 pixels
-k5000_lw40.csv: raw data containing phase data and pixel number taken across line profile shown in fig_s1a.png for \kappa = 5000 and linewidth 40 pixels
-fig_s1.ipynb: jupyter notebook for loading .csv data, analysing and generating fig_s1c.png to fig_s1f.png
-fig_s1a-s1f.png: sub-panels of fig_s1
-phi_500.dat and phi_5000.dat: raw .dat files of the phase images taken from qDIC imaging, can be loaded as text image in ImageJ for processing.
Images are rotated by -135.1 degrees with bicubic interpolation.
s2 -psf/: directory containing raw data of the 405 voxel comprised of a tiff stack (405_psf.tiff), accompanying coordinates (405_psf.txt), and colormap
-fig_s2.ipynb: jupyter notebook for loading the data and generating figure s2
-fig_s2.png: raw .png file of fig_s2
s3 -fig_s3_vtk/: folder containing .vtk file used for the avw shown in supplementary figure s3, use fig3/paraview/paraview_state_fig3_s3-5.pvsm to load and visualise data
-fig_s3a-s3d.png: .png files of the sub-panels of supplementary figure s3
s4 -fig_s4_vtk/: folder containing .vtk file used for the vw shown in supplementary figure s4, use fig3/paraview/paraview_state_fig3_s3-5.pvsm to load and visualise data
-fig_s4a-s4d.png: .png files of the sub-panels of supplementary figure s4
s5 -fig_s5_vtk/: folder containing .vtk file used for the cvw shown in supplementary figure s5, use fig3/paraview/paraview_state_fig3_s3-5.pvsm to load and visualise data
-fig_s5a-s5d.png: .png files of the sub-panels of supplementary figure s5
s6 -matt_sss_190903ja_inplane_oct19th.007: raw afm/mfm data
-fig_s6a.png: processed image of the raw mfm data above
-matt_sss_190903ja_inplane_oct19th_supp_fig6_afm.txt: raw afm profile data
-matt_sss_190903ja_inplane_oct19th_supp_fig6_afm.txt: raw mfm profile data
-fig_s6.ipynb: jupyter notebook used to load the above data and generate the z-profile and normalised phase plots
-fig_s6d-e.png: .png files of the sub-panels shown in supplementary figure s6
s7 -matt_sss_190903ja_inplane_oct14th_010_supp_mfm_bot.txt: raw mfm profile data of bottom blue region
-matt_sss_190903ja_inplane_oct14th_010_supp_mfm_bot.txt: raw mfm profile data of top red region
-fig_s7.ipynb: jupyter notebook used to load above data and generate the z-profiles and normalised phase plots
-fig_s7f-g.png: .png files of the sub-panels shown in supplementary figure s7
-NOTE: the mfm image shown in this supplementary figure is identical to the one in figure 4d-c)
s8 -l1/: folder containing raw data (.txt with z-profiles, roughness and waviness, and collated .csv files) for l1 wires
-fig_s8.ipynb: jupyter notebook used to generate above data and generate the z-profile, total projected field and depinning fields
-fig_s8.png: .png of supplementary figure s8.
st1 -st1_energies_pops.csv: contains the energy densities and population statistics of the relaxed dws in the micromagnetic simulations, shown in supplementary table 1.