Cardiff University

Combining two-photon lithography with laser ablation of sacrificial layers: a route to isolated 3D magnetic nanostructures - data

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posted on 2024-10-30, 07:32 authored by Arjen van den Berg, Mylène Caruel, Matthew HuntMatthew Hunt, Sam LadakSam Ladak

Data pertaining to the article titled “Combining two-photon lithography with laser ablation of sacrificial layers: a route to isolated 3D magnetic nanostructures”. Files include all data presented in the main text and the supplementary information and a readme file with further details regarding each file.

AFM data used to construct figure 2:

Raw atomic force micrographs of trenches ablated away from a poly(acrylic acid) layer using high-resolution femtosecond laser machining at varying laser power and scan speeds. File names take the format PXX_SYY where XX indicates laser power (mW) and YY indicates scan speed (μm per second)

“Fig2a_Fig2b.txt” cropped and rotated version of P100_S1000 presented as an ASCII matrix for illustrative purposes in fig 2a and fig 2b. X, Y, and Z scales indicated in file header.

“Fig2c_TrenchProfile.txt” profile drawn from the trench shown in P100_S1000. Two column file with position along line scan (μm) and height (nm)

“Fig2d_FWHM.txt” mean FWHM measurements (μm) of ablated trenches as a function of laser power and scan speed. Uncertainty is the standard deviation. 9 column file, the first column indicates laser power (mW), and the headers indicate scan speed.

“Fig2e_Depth.txt” mean depth measurements of ablated trenches as a function of laser power and scan speed. Uncertainty is the standard deviation. 9 column file, the first column indicates laser power (mW), and the headers indicate scan speed.

Data used to construct figure 3:

“Simple Pad Wire.tif” Scanning electron micrograph of a 300 nm wide and  80 μm long magnetic nanowire with a 20μm×20μm injection pad fabricated using two-photon lithography and line of sight deposition. Image captured at 1k magnification and 5kV beam.

“Fig3b_Contour.txt” ASCII matrix file containing emission spectra measured using energy dispersive x-ray analysis at regular points along a line intersecting a magnetic nanowire like the wire shown in the scanning electron micrograph.

“Fig3b_NiFe_intensity.txt” three-column file indicating L(α1) intensity of Nickel and Iron along the EDX line scan.

“Fig3b_OnWire_Spectrum.txt” two-column file with emission spectrum data measured on the wire.

“Fig3c_SimpleWire.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of a simple magnetic nanowire without nucleation pad (Length: 80 μm, width: 300 nm. Thickness 27 nm) measured using magneto optical kerr effect magnetometry with field applied along wire long axis. Three-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V), and normalised detector voltage.

“Fig3d_PaddedWire_Pad.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of a magnetic nanowire (Length: 80 μm, width: 300 nm. Thickness 27 nm) with a 20μm×20μm injection pad. The laser spot is focused on the injection pad. Three-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V), and normalised detector voltage.

“Fig3d_PaddedWire_Wire.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of a magnetic nanowire (Length: 80 μm, width: 300 nm. Thickness 27 nm) with a 20μm×20μm injection pad. The laser spot is focused on the middle of the wire. Three-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V), and normalised detector voltage.

Data used to construct figure 4:

“Fig4c_s-polarised.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of magnetic nanowire lattice comprising  1 μm Pemalloy wires arranged in a diamond-bond lattice configuration. The hysteresis loop is measured using MOKE magnetometry with s-polarised light and an analyser angle of 3 degrees. Three-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V), and normalised detector voltage.

“Fig4d_p-polarised.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of magnetic nanowire lattice comprising  1 μm Pemalloy wires arranged in a diamond-bond lattice configuration. The hysteresis loop is measured using MOKE magnetometry with p-polarised light and an analyser angle of 90 degrees. Three-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V), and normalised detector voltage.

Data used to construct figure 5:

“Fig5a_L-bipod_00deg.txt” – micromagnetic simulation of a hysteresis loop performed on the lower bipod geometry (L_bipod_00.nmesh.h5) with fields applied along the xy-projection (x-axis) of the long axes. Four-column file indicating applied field (mT), and magnetisation along the principal axes (Long = x, trans = y, pol = z)

“Fig5a_L-bipod_90deg.txt” – micromagnetic simulation of a hysteresis loop performed on the lower bipod geometry (L_bipod_90.nmesh.h5) with fields applied along x axis. The geometry has been rotated 90 degrees about the z axis. Four-column file indicating applied field (mT), and magnetisation along the principal axes (Long = x, trans = y, pol = z)

“Fig5a_U-bipod_00deg.txt” – micromagnetic simulation of a hysteresis loop performed on the upper bipod geometry (U_bipod_00.nmesh.h5) with fields applied along the xy-projection (x-axis) of the long axes. Four-column file indicating applied field (mT), and magnetisation along the principal axes (Long = x, trans = y, pol = z)

“Fig5a_U-bipod_90deg.txt” – micromagnetic simulation of a hysteresis loop performed on the upper bipod geometry (U_bipod_90.nmesh.h5) with fields applied along x axis. The geometry has been rotated 90 degrees about the z axis. Four-column file indicating applied field (mT), and magnetisation along the principal axes (Long = x, trans = y, pol = z)

This folder also contains the relevant scripts for nMag and the mesh files for each geometry.

Supplementary info data:


The AFM images shown in S1 are found in the fig 2/Raw AFM Data folder


“FigS2a_Left.txt” MOKE measurement of the substrate left of the nucleation pad on the wires measured in fig 5d and fig 5e. Two-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V)

“FigS2b_Above.txt” MOKE measurement of the substrate above the wires measured in fig 5d and fig 5e. Two-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V)

“FigS2c_Right.txt” MOKE measurement of the substrate beyond the end of the wires measured in fig 5d and fig 5e. Two-column file indicating magnetic field (mT), detector voltage (V)


“FigS3_p-polarised.txt” Magnetic hysteresis loop of magnetic nanowire lattice comprising  1 μm Pemalloy wires arranged in a diamond-bond lattice configuration. The hysteresis loop is measured using MOKE magnetometry with p-polarised light and an analyser angle of 3 degrees. The two-column file indicates the magnetic field (mT) and detector voltage (V).


“L_bipod_Hyst_90-65.157mT.vtk” & “L_bipod_Hyst_90-66.159mT” VTK files from the “” simulation (Fig 5b) showing field steps at 66.159 mT and 65.157 mT. VTKs may be rendered using Paraview software.


Selected VTKs of the “” simulation with filenames corresponding to the figure panels.

- “FigS5a.vtk” at remanence

- “FigS5b.vtk” at -34mT

- “FigS5c.vtk” at -35 mT


Each component in fig 5 is normalised for clarity. Fig S6 presents the polar component of the simulation “Fig5b_L-bipod_90deg.txt” (panel a) and “Fig5d_U-bipod_90deg.txt” (panel b) to indicate the scale of the polar signal in these simulations. The data for these figures is in the “Fig 5” folder.

Fig S7

Lower bipod simulations repeat the “” simulation after introducing a 5 and 85-degree rotation in the simulation geometry. Four-column file with applied fields (mT) along x in columns 1 and 3. X-component of magnetisation for each rotation in columns 2 and 4. Rotation is indicated in the header. Note that columns 1 and 2 are two entries shorter than columns 3 and 4, the empty entry is indicated with “--”

Research results based upon these data are published at


Two-photon lithography for magnetic racetrack memory (2016-09-01 - 2017-03-31); Ladak, Sam. Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Specialist software required to view data files

Python files require nMag micromagnetic code ( VTK files require Paraview ( afm files require WSXM (, Gwyddion (, or other SPM analysis tool.

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