Biostimulation of jarosite and iron oxide-bearing mine waste enhances subsequent metal recovery - data
Movement of metals from less reactive phases to more reactive phases (sequential extraction data) after biostimulation by glycerol in iron oxy-hydroxide and jarosite bearing waste. The mine waste was collected and characterised according to BS 1377–2:199 and the partice size was determined by Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyser (Malvern).The metal composiiton of the waste was determined using ICP-OES and the waste was also subjected to sequential extraction. Columns packed with mine waste biostimulated with glycerol. The effluents were analysed for total metals, total iron, Fe(ii), alkalinity, pH, DO, ORP, and EC. After the experiment, the waste from all the columns were leached by HCl, H2SO4, acetic acid, and EDTA, followed by sequnetial extraction.
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In situ recovery of resources from waste repositories
Natural Environment Research Council
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