Cardiff University

BBC Radio adaptations data set 1985 to 2009

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posted on 2024-09-18, 10:55 authored by Miranda DaviesMiranda Davies

The BBC Radio adaptations data set 1985 to 2009 is a catalogue of all the dramatic adaptations broadcast on national BBC radio stations between 1/1/1985 and 31/12/2009. It was created as part of a collaborative PhD project which was originally designed by Professor Kate Griffiths and which brought together the AHRC, the BBC and Cardiff University. Its aim is to provide vital information for students of media, radio, adaptation and the BBC, offering a detailed list of works adapted in these years. For reasons of accessibility, the dataset is presented as an Excel spreadsheet but has been formatted to allow it to be exported into Access, thereby creating a searchable database. Every adaptation is listed alongside the following information: a date of first transmission; the radio station the programme first went out on; the name of the programme; the name of the source material; the author of the source material; the language of the original source material; the date of publication or first performance; the country of birth of the author; the name of the adaptor (who is sometimes also the translator), the producer and director of the adaptation; and, lastly, the medium of the original source material. There is also a field given for notes, where further information is included to add crucial pieces of information which could not be included in the main group of fields.  


The Impossible, Powerful Spaces of BBC Radio Adaptation (2015-10-01 - 2020-11-30); Davies, Miranda. Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council
