Assessment of collection systems for High Voltage DC (HVDC) connected offshore wind farms
This is the complete data set for the research article on, "Assessment of collection systems for High Voltage DC (HVDC ) connected offshore wind farms", accepted for publication by "Electric Power Systems Research" journal in July 2015. This work is about a technical and economic comparative study of AC and DC collection systems for offshore wind farms. It comprises: Table I - the parameters of the wind farm (the size of the wind farm, number of wind turbines and wind speed ranges) and wind turbine generator characteristics (wind turbine generator considered, power and output voltage rating) considered for this comparative study; Table II - the parameters of AC and DC collection systems more specifically in terms of collection bus voltage, switching frequencies chosen, ratings of wind turbine converters and offshore platform converters, power electronics device used in loss estimation, cable data used in loss estimation; Table III - the AC and DC cost models used in this comparative study with specific cost details; tables and plots showing the results of losses and cost estimation; figures of the AC and DC collection configurations and the DC-DC converters used; references used for the loss calculation and the cost models.
Results are presented in the article "Assessment of collection systems for High Voltage DC (HVDC ) connected offshore wind farms", published by "Electric Power Systems Research" in December 2015: