A 3D coupled finite element model for simulating mechanical regain in self-healing cementitious materials - data
This dataset contains the results produced by a new 3D coupled finite element model for simulating the behaviour of self-healing cementitious materials. The model accounts for the many interacting physical processes governing the healing response including healing agent transport and the mechanical damage-healing behaviour. In addition, the model employs a generalised healing front formulation that can simulate healing of cyanoacrylates, autogenous agents and sodium silicates. The dataset comprises 4 Excel files that contain the results of the model when simulating the following example problems: i) healing front study, ii) three-point bending of vascular self-healing speciment, iii) autogenous healing with and without crystalline admixtures and iv) vascular self-healing slab.
Research results based upon these data are published at https://doi.org/10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-6944
Resilient Materials for Life (RM4L)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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